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Goals For February

We spent a great deal of our time last month managing the weather.  We shoveled A LOT of snow.  There were frequent trips to the chicken coop to check on them and take them fresh water and bring in the frozen feeders to thaw.  At one point it got so cold we built a makeshift coop in the garage and moved them in there for several days.

In the midst of all of this my back gave out and I was down for a good two weeks and then limited in what I could to after that.  Even then I was determined to remain productive so I switched gears and had my youngest bring me my yarn and I got to work.  One afghan completed for the retirement house and a pillow to boot.

This is what I have planned for this month:

1.          Make or purchase a gift for someone
2.         Send a card or letter to someone - Valentines!
3.         Family Nite Out or Outing
4.         Be creative - sew or craft something
5.         Do some investment cooking
6.         Make Easter cards
7.         File my tax returns  already done!
8.         Take my children out for a thrifty date
9.         Create a new menu plan for March
10.       Try a new recipe
11.        Make a garden plan
12.        Enjoy a Family Movie Nite and a Family Game Nite!
13.        Complete a small home improvement project
14.       Complete a retirement house project
15.        Invite guests over for dessert, appetizers or dinner

This is how I did last month:

1.          Make or purchase a gift for someone
2.         Send a card or letter to someone
3.         Family Nite Out or Outing Cancelled
4.         Be creative - sew or craft something
5.         Do some investment cooking Chicken verde, split pea soup, lentil soup
6.         Make Valentine's Day cards with my girls the girls weren't all that interested
7.         Start preparing to file my tax returns
8.         Take my children out for a thrifty date Cancelled
9.         Create a new menu plan for February
10.       Try a new recipe lentil soup
11.        Update the home improvement list
12.        Enjoy a Family Movie Nite anda Family Game Nite!
13.        Brew a new batch of beer  can't lift the keg so that project has been put on hold
14.       Complete a retirement house project
15.        Invite guests over for dessert, appetizers or dinner

Let's see how much I can get done in the coming month.  It is a short month too so I'd better get busy!

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