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Firday Night "Official" Game at DunDraCon 43

102 Caliban
Friday 6 PM in 154 for 8 hr; ends Session 1
System: Dungeons & Dragons 5.0; 8 players
GM: Matt Morrison (Matrox Lusch)
Variations: d6 ‘party’ initiative
Level: 8th+
Rules Knowledge: Useful
Game Content: Mainstream
Players provide their own characters
Adrift in time and ghosting through distance, Caliban is like the Flying Dutchman of dungeons. Seldom seen, even less visited, Caliban now wanders aimlessly, awaiting only the gods know what.

Hmmmm, room 154. That's either the "Flower People" game room or (I believe this) right next to it. I suppose I'll figure the history out when I see which side of the door the bathroom is on.

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