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A $25 Ebay Gift Card Got Me ...

My sister-in-law and her husband gave me a $25 Ebay gift card as a late Christmas present.  I've been slowly making use of it.  Here are my latest purchases:

I picked up these two old tobacco cards in separate purchases.

1911 Hassan Arctic Series

I love the 1911 T30 Arctic Series but they're harder to come by than most.  This is my first one.  Other than the crease in the lower left corner it's in pretty good shape for a century old card.

1928 Wills's Romance of the Heavens #28

This card is from another great set, The Romance of the Heavens from 1928 and again is my first one.  The subject is the stars but it's the dirigible floating between them that makes it for me.

Total spent so far $17.32

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