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Forgotten Caricaturists Remembered on Nov. 4th

Jackie Gleason/The Honeymooners  opening credits,
caricature by Sam Berman

Join illustrators Drew Friedman and Stephen Kroninger for a talk 
and visual presentation profiling a dozen once legendary caricaturists who are 
now largely forgotten. This is a free event open to the public, and will take place during Illustration Week in New York at the SVA theatre, 333 W. 23rd St on Wednesday November 4th at 6:30 PM:http://svatheatre.com/

join the Forgotten Caricaturists Remembered Facebook event page:
Mark Twain by Kate Carew
“Caricature—the distorted portrait— has long been one of the primary tools in the visual satirist’s arsenal”
—Steven Heller
Gloria Vanderbilt by Alan Jedla
Marlene Dietrich by Alex Gard
Sid Caesar by John Johns
Adolph Hitler by Lou Hirshman
The presentation "12 Legendary Caricaturists You've (Probablly) Never Heard Of," at the Society of Illustrators this past May by Friedman and Kroninger attracted a sell-out crowd at the Society of Illustrators and a great deal of media attention and the demand to revive (and enhance) the talk is finally taking place.

The Daily Forward:

Discussing Forgotten Caricaturists on the Leonard Lopate show on WNYC:

Leonard Maltin on Forgotten caricaturists:

The work of masters of twentieth century celebrity caricature, among them Miguel Covarrubias, Jack Davis, Mort Drucker, David Levine, Ronald Searle, Edward Sorel, Robert Grossman and especially Al Hirschfeld continues to be reprinted, celebrated, and discovered by new and younger audiences. Sadly, there are many once hugely popular and in-demand celebrity caricaturists whose work, for one reason or another, has been largely forgotten and rarely warrants a mere mention in most books on the art of caricature, including the recent INFINITE JEST. Illustrators Drew Friedman and Stephen Kroninger aim to rectify that situation by presenting the work of 12 great, yet neglected and forgotten caricaturists.

Join us on Nov. 4th at 6:30 PM at the SVA theatre, 
333 W. 23rd St, for an entertaining and enlightening visual presentation discussing and celebrating the long forgotten works of Al Freuh, Einar Nerman, Lou Hirshman, Jacques Kapralik, Alex Gard, Sam Berman, George Wachsteter, Alan Jedla, Abel Ianiro, Bill Utterback, John Johns and Kate Carew.

June Allyson by Abel Ianiro
Irwin Corey by Bill Utterback

Cary Grant, Katherine Hepburn, James Stewart by
Jacques Karpralik

The NBC book of Stars by George Wachsteter

Greta Garbo by Einar Nerman

Charlie Chaplin by Al Freuh

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